
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Seven Brides Surprise

I got home from work a day early this week, which allowed John to plan a surprise date on Friday evening. He told me we would be leaving around 7:00 PM, but didn't tell me what he had in mind. I love surprises, and I know he has great taste (married me, etc.), so I knew I was in for a treat. He printed tickets but wouldn't let me see what they were for. After he taught me how to play chess (I hate it right now because I am not good...hopefully practice will change that), we hopped in the car and headed south on Gilbert Road. I got excited because that is the direction of Hale Center Theatre, which we have attended before and seen good shows. When we drove past that, I was still excited but definitely baffled as to where we were going! John pulled into a middle school parking lot and walked me to the door of the auditorium. Only when I saw the program did I know what he had done! He had take me to my favorite musical, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers! What a treat! And I saw his leg bouncing along with the music and dancing every once in a while, so maybe he enjoyed himself, too. The Gilbert Fine Arts Association did a great production, and the dancing scene in town was incredible! I hated to see it end. John then took me for a burger at In and Out, which is always yummy. He is incredibly thoughtful and is always finding ways to make me smile!


  1. Micah,
    I came across your blog and just wanted to say hello. It's been awhile, but I can see that your life is moving along nicely! I am so happy for you!! May things continue to be wonderful.


  2. oh i'm so glad he makes you happy!


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