
Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Strikes Again

It used to be considered "Single's Awareness Day," but it isn't such a shabby holiday now that I am married! Actually, I have always had good Valentine's Days. This particular one began with John sneaking out into the kitchen to get the huge bouquet of flowers ready for me when I woke up. He also made me breakfast, one of his delicious meals that he learned to make while he lived in Hungary for two years. He is quite the little foreign cook. In addition to the flowers, John special-ordered a novel that is personalized to us. He found it online at, and now we have a romantic vampire novel with us as the main characters! Pretty neat present! It was a nice, lazy day spent with my honey. While John went to play basketball with the boys, I stayed home to surprise him with homemade chocolate-dipped strawberries. Yum! That evening, we received a surprise visit from my brother, Jeff, and his wife, Megan. They arrived just in time for some pizza, then stayed long enough to beat us in Rack-O and Sequence. We then asked them to can't come to OUR house and beat us this badly! It was a great day, as every day usually is!