
Friday, November 20, 2009

Favors and Fun

Tomorrow is the big day. The day we celebrate my sister's first baby. Tomorrow we gather as a bunch of women to oooo and ahhhhh over a big belly. Why it's only cute when pregnant, I know not. I have been working on projects all week to get ready for this wonderful event. I am hosting, along with a friend of T'liese's. We are expecting about 20 friends and family members to be in attendance, and I have been baking up a storm in preparation.

This morning, I took a break to assemble the favors with T'liese. She made chocolate birds nests, while I supplied the Oreo Truffles shaped and painted like robin eggs. We high-fived several times throughout the day because of their complete perfection and adorable appearance. "Martha Stewart has nothing on us." We said it several times and chuckled. To ourselves. This is going to be one swingin' party!

Now, if you will excuse me, I have some ferocious baking to attend to in order to be ready for tomorrow. A baby shower for my best friend, T'liese! Thanks for a fun day, sister. I can't wait for tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chocolate Peanut Butter Madness

It has been such a busy week as I am working on countless projects. I took a time-out today to perform surgery in the kitchen, once again. Should I get this giddy about making a mess of dishes? These tiny chocolate peanut butter cookies are insane and come fully loaded with three different kinds of peanut butter goodies to discover in each bite! Reese's Pieces, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and Reese's Peanut Butter Chips. I don't know what more one could possibly want out of life. For chocoholics with an obsession for peanut butter, this may be right up your alley.

Some day, I won't live in a basement and have such dark photos. For now, we will just have to deal with the mysteriousness evoked from taking food photos in a dungeon!

These are going on the menu for sure! I am sending a batch over to John's coworkers so they can give their official approval