
Saturday, February 20, 2010

An Evening with a Princess

Holding Evan for two hours didn't satisfy my Mayla Craving. When Friday evening rolled around, I found a few reasons to drive to Phoenix to see her. Jeff was heading to play church basketball, and it just so happens that my husband also loves to play a game of basketball here and there. So I self-invited ourselves up so I could see Mayla for that few hours! It was worth it. It had been over two weeks since I had seen her last, and she gets cuter every time I see her. Is that even possible?!

We beat them to their house by three minutes. Megan had to pick Jeff up from work. I paced their front porch while waiting, and then we studied their orange tree. Anything to keep me from missing that little baby! When they arrived, she was dressed in a beautiful little pink jumpsuit that had a tail! What are these people trying to do to me!

She ate dinner. Her favorite meal of the day (other than lunch, and the two snacks in between. Breakfast isn't so bad, either, but those two middle-of-the-night feedings are wonderful, too). Then I got to hold her while the boys left for some church ball. Megan and I had such a nice visit. My brother married the biggest sweetheart in the world, and Megan is such an amazing mommy. Mayla was one tired baby, so I got to watch her bathe and get into her pajamas. And then my camera battery died. But I got a few shots in before my world came to an end!

Isn't she just precious? I post these pictures for those family members who haven't gotten to enjoy basking in her princess presence, but my Mommy is coming to town on Monday to help T'liese and Evan for the week. Mayla will love spending some time with Grandma, and I already know it will be impossible to count the kisses she will receive! You should smell this sweet, so clean. She is a sweetheart. Megan put her to bed, but she cried until Daddy gave in and brought her back out. I got to hold her, and she finally fell back to sleep. I didn't want to give her up, but I eventually placed her back in her beautiful Italian crib. Such a sweet little lady!

I am already anxious to see her again...hopefully on Monday when we pick up my Mommy from the airport. If that work thing doesn't get in the way!


  1. Oh wow! She is so beautiful! Here's hoping Brian buys me a ticket to come visit--I seriously can't wait to see both Mayla and Evan!

  2. UUUMMMMMMMM I am thinking it is time for a FAMILY REUNION!! We all need to get together soon. So many new babies to meet! Mayla is the sweetest baby ever! I love your blog, Thanks for keeping it so up to date! Keep the pictures coming! LOVE ya

  3. Mayla is one lucky baby to have such a great aunt! Have a great week with your mom in town.


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