
Friday, May 7, 2010

Signs of Summer

John stayed home from work on Tuesday to work on one of his take-home final exams for school. Did I mention that my husband is just one week away from finishing his Masters Degree at Arizona State University? And that, as his wife, I am slightly stoked to get him back? All that aside, I felt sorry for him being stuck inside working away on his computer. It took him until dinner time to finally finish his masterpiece, but John was proud of what he had accomplished. I decided to take him out for dinner to celebrate. We have a new burger place by our house called Lenny's Burgers. The sign on the window gets my attention every time I drive by...99-cent root beer float. Eek! One of my favorite summer treats! So we headed to Lenny's to try out some burgers, fries, and, of course, root beer floats.

John got a double hickory burger, which meant they were supposed to slather it with BBQ sauce. They forgot the sauce, but he ate it like a champ. He says it was a really good burger and was much better than In and Out. I slapped him for such a comment then continued picking at my cheese fries. They were a disappointment...the cheese wasn't melted but squirted on with some foreign metal contraption. It all tasted like rubber. John got the same thing but added chili to his, like a champ. He complained about the odd flavor as well, so at least I know I wasn't being paranoid. I sipped on my root beer float and watched him enjoy his post-final dinner.

In addition to almost being done with school, another sure sign of summer is that my Summer Wreath made its first appearance today. It replaced the Spring Wreath, which hung in there with the best of them until well into May. Now that it is consistently above 90 degrees every day, I feel rather silly not celebrating with a Summer Wreath on my door. Problem remedied this week!

I love summer. Maybe not so much here in Phoenix, but it is a wonderful season full of BBQs, fireworks, and water parks.


  1. The hamburger looks good, John is handsome, and the wreath is lovely! And you are a sweetheart!

  2. So not a good recommendation. I see that place to and wonder if it's as good as Jenny's Burger in San Fran! They have to be realated jenny/ lenny?? I guess not cause Jenny's would be raved about! Sorry it wasn't what you wanted!


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