
Friday, August 27, 2010

Can Hardly Wait

Two years ago, my family got together for a week in Sedona, Arizona. We had so much fun that we decided to do it again this year for our Family Reunion. In just one week, we will be out of the Phoenix heat and enjoying company of family from Utah and Arizona. With two new babies to enjoy, I am sure this year's get-together is going to be a blast. Especially since the menu has been planned for eight months. A small part of me wishes that I was exaggerating, but one can't leave these important things to chance!

In honor of the upcoming fun that will no doubt take place, I thought I'd post some highlights of the eating, ping pong-playing, hiking, eating, swimming, arm wrestling, and eating that took place on that wonderful week. I'm glad I like my family so much. And I'm glad we have such a neat place to meet each other every few years!

Sorry about the fuzz. I have sinced replaced a Nikon with a Canon and will never go back! Unless, of course, I happen to win one from The Pioneer Woman. I doubt that will happen, so consider it a solid vow.

Come on, Sedona!


  1. Those are great pictures! Can't wait--2 new family members and we're better organized with the food. It's going to be great!

  2. Remind me never to get behind on the life of such a busy woman!

    Now I'm all caught up and had a good time doing it. ;)

    (I'll be texting you now to learn more about that tie rack from Heaven...oh how we need that tie rack.)

  3. Anonymous9:30 AM

    How fun! (take me with you!)
    Enjoy every minute!

  4. Yay!We are going to have such a great time!


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