
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Rain Rain Rain Came Down Down Down

I guess you could say we got a bit of a storm yesterday. Four times. Bringing along enough fun that Sky Harbor Airport closed. Four times. It looks like Monsoon Season has finally arrived, and nobody bothered to tell him he is a few months late!

I was driving home from some errands when the first storm hit. As I pulled into the garage, pouring rain and winds like I have never seen before hit hard! I almost couldn't get the garage door
closed in time! Thankfully, our roof holds up like a champ. I did discover a little leak in the office window, but with that much rain, I think it was a miracle that half the house wasn't filling up with water! The streets sure did...a river almost a foot deep ran in front of my house today. Four times.

I absolutely love weather like this. Especially when I can stay inside and enjoy it from the couch with some Stephen's Hot Chocolate. John arrived home from work just a few hours later (just before Storm #3 hit). During his drive home, the outer lane of every road was buried in rivers of water. It made for quite an adventure getting home in a Corolla. We opened windows that were protected by patio overhangs and let the cool temperatures inside. Yesterday was the first day in over five months that we didn't reach triple-digits, so it was a joy to have the house so cool. The only downside? We filled our pool the night before with the hose to keep it at the proper level. The water is supposed to be about three inches below the lip of the pool, and we are meticulous about keeping enough water for the pump to operate (I'm not's about the only thing we do well in regards to our pool). Our little monsoons yesterday brought too much water for the pool to handle, and it was soon overflowing! When the storm was really raging with gusty winds, I temporarily owned a wave pool!

More thunderstorms are forecast today. It will be fun to just stay in and work on projects inside while the tempests rage outdoors. I feel so safe and warm in this wonderful home. I love this place. Have I mentioned that?


  1. Awesome Storm! I love AZ Storms! We just had a tropical Storm blow through and it rained everyday for a week and most all day. I didn't know what to think of such rain. It blew over our butterfly tree and It almost overflowed the fish pond in the backyard. We almost had to go fishing for fish in the grass!
    thanks for the pictures I really do love az storms!

  2. The rain looks awesome! I love storms that force you to stay home and drink hot chocolate.


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