
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tackling the Guest Bedroom

It's time to bring the least-used room in the house up to date! We have family coming all the way from Arkansas in a few weeks to stay at our house, swim in our swamp pool, and eat our food. I can't wait! Since I've been working non-stop on rooms in the house that get lots of use, I've put the guest bedroom on the back burner. Many projects elsewhere have since been finished and enjoyed, and with some approaching guests just around the corner, I thought it was time to make some small updates to the guest room.

This room has been tricky for me. It will be the room to eventually transform into a nursery, so I didn't want to make any permanent changes that would later need to be redone. But hanging a little artwork and adding some new lamps? Those are things that will find places in any room! It's fun to have a blank slate with which to work.

I found the mirror at TJ Maxx last week and thought about it all weekend. I decided to check Monday morning to see if it had been snagged by someone else. With the angel's chorus and the halo beaming around it on the shelf, I knew it was still there so that I could bring it home and make it mine all mine. I measured twice, pounded a few holes into the wall to get it right, and then stood back to admire the new sunburst that added so much to the room.

Some lamps were purchased last night from Target with my intentions to spray-paint them a cheery yellow. When I got them home and placed them on the nightstands, I realized that the scale was all wrong. I can get away with bigger lamps here, and I intend to do just that!  So back to Target they go today, and I will continue to search at Goodwill for the perfect pair of lamps that are ready for a spray-painting makeover. Go big or go home. I've only said that a few times in my life, but it certainly applies here.

The goal is to paint the nightstands from antique mint green with gold handles to something a little closer to our style. We bought them at a rich lady's estate sale for $10 a piece, and I've been a little hesitant to paint them in case they actually are valuable. I wish I knew when I was home so I could tackle a two-day project such as painting some furniture! I am thinking they would look great white. And then the bright yellow lamps on top to add a pop of color. Ideas?

I am also hoping to add some more accessories to the dresser to make the room even more inviting. I want my guests to feel special and that the room was created just for them! That's pretty close to the truth, anyway! It's been fun so far!

Any suggestions for the room before I go crazy with decorating?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day 2011

Ah, the blessed celebration of the founding of this wonderful country! In case it has gone unnoticed previously, I'm rather a fan of the men who founded this wonderful country. Particularly one with white hair who ran things first. I always look forward to the day that we can BBQ, shoot of fireworks like pyro-maniacs, and spend time with loved ones in celebration of our freedom.

Hubby and I awakened to a flag in our front yard. Every holiday that deserves it, the Boy Scouts of America place a flag out front to honor the people of those holidays. Sometimes I wake up and think, "I didn't even know today was a holiday!" It's nice to support the Scouts while being reminded of special days in our nation's history.

That afternoon, we traveled south to Gilbert for a BBQ and swimming party at my sister's house. Other friends, Russ and Jen, were also invited, and they decided to bring their 14 month-old Owen along. What a cute kid. He and Evan had a blast playing together all night long.

After swimming for an hour, our stomachs began to growl when a neighbor's grill was fired up. We climbed out of the pool, and Joe donned his Pig Apron to become Master in Charge of the Grill. Soon we had burgers and hot dogs ready to go with broccoli salad and potato salad. To wash it all down, we enjoyed some blood orange soda from Costco...Joe's favorite! Everything tasted so yummy! What is it about food that has been cooked outside on an open flame?

We then headed outside to admire Russ and Jen's new Honda Pilot and to allow Evan to see some sparklers before heading to bed. As with most things, he showed no facial emotion! We all think he was enjoying it, though. After he fell asleep and we all enjoyed some ice cream, we trooped back outside to enjoy the 100-degree temperature and some more fireworks. Joe went all out and, with Hubby's help lighting things, provided quite a show! It was fun to see each different fountain firework displaying such beautiful colors. And some of them even whistled.

We all called it a night around 9:20 PM and headed home. It was such a fun way to celebrate our nation's freedom! I'm so grateful to live in this country!