
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Games and Grub


I’m sure that it’s been noticed that I’ve been home from work for a few weeks. Don’t worry, Whick…I’m headed back to work tomorrow, and we will soon have a whole month of airplane pictures to enjoy!

I’m excited to be back on the road to share my experiences with you. It’s going to be a very action-packed and fun month of July!


Being home has been a wonder. It’s been over five years since I’ve had time at home when I knew I would be home. It afforded some luxuries that I’ve been missing that entire time.


For instance, it gave us the luxury of inviting some friends over for snacks and board games. This happens to be one of my favorite past times. I love getting together with good friends and eating delicious food.


As always with the grub-portion of the evening, I got a little carried away.

And, as always, I tried to find fun ways to display normal food. As if anyone needs any more invitation to eat Red Vines than just to open the bag. But I thought putting them inside a flower vase to display them would be an enticing way to eat them all evening.

I was right, unfortunately. These were gone just a few short hours later!


This is an easy go-to appetizer that is one of my favorite edible things in the world. And, thanks to the $8 investment in a miniature slow cooker, we were able to keep it nice and bubbling-hot all evening long.


Of course, if you’re going to eat Alton Brown’s Spinach Artichoke Dip, you might as well eat it on soft sourdough baguettes. Man, I should have eaten breakfast before posting today! I’m drooling just thinking about this creamy goodness!


I also attempted to make a Mexican Black Bean Hummus that I just made up. It was really good, but people preferred that not-so-healthy additions to the buffet. And I can’t say I blame them one bit.


Since one of our guests tends to lean towards the healthy-eating side, I tried to have things there that could be enjoyed by all. The best part? The men gathered around this vegetable tray and chomped down the entire thing. It was so good with homemade Ranch dip to make everything creamier (and slightly less healthy).


This is what those unbaked miniature Pigs in a Blanket turned into. Aren’t they stinkin’ cute?! And, since I used turkey sausage cocktail wieners (shhhh…no one even noticed), these were actually kind of healthy, too!

Well, as healthy as miniatures Pigs in a Blanket can be, I guess.


Of course, when people offered to bring something, I welcomed their efforts. Especially when they came in the form of Peanut Butter Caramel Corn Popcorn.

Yeeeeeeesssssssss, please.

And, to wet our whistles, I made up a Mango Lemonade with Gingerale in our large beverage dispenser. It was ridiculously good, in case you’re needing to know.

It was such a fun evening. Things began around 6:30 PM, and the last guests left around 12:30 AM. I love when people seem to be having such an enjoyable time that leaving doesn’t even cross their minds.

In perhaps the best news of the evening, the girls beat the boys in the Battles of the Sexes championship.

Come on. Do they really stand a chance when half of the “manly” questions asked to the ladies are about airplanes? Why, yes. I do know the name of the airplane that dropped the first atomic bomb during World War II. I can even tell you who flew the giant airplane!

What a great evening. It’s been such a treat to know when I’m home, so we can host events just like this. I’d have a party every week, if I could! NERD ALERT!

1 comment:

  1. Invite us next time! I will just wiggle my nose and be there, and I will bring Ree's Cheesy Olive Bread!! Deal?!


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