
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nobody Likes the Circus

I failed. It feels so weird to admit it. I should have known from my uneasy feelings this entire time. But I painted a dresser an atrocious yellow and didn't like it one bit.

I'm starting over today. I sanded everything down last night and stripped the intricate parts of the dresser to get rid of any sign of yellow. My retinas already feel better since they've stopped burning. This morning, I'm going to wash off all the pieces that had stripper on them, then proceed to spray gun on a primer coat. I'm now working with latex paint and had them mix a much better yellow. But you know what? I woke up this morning still not liking it (luckily it's still in the can this time and not all over my furniture). I'm going to take it back to Lowes today to see if we can put the Primary Colors to good use by adding some blue to make a green. I feel so insecure about this whole silly project now, but I just feel like even the new yellow isn't the way to go. I hope they're able to mix it into something I like, because it was more expensive than oil paints (which I will never use again, thank you very much).

It's been an emotional roller coaster. I was happy every step of the way until that yellow dried overnight. It just wasn't feeling the way I wanted, and the yellow looked like a kid's room. We tried to darken it for the second coat with some black paint to make it more mustardy and rich, but that didn't work, either. So...I'm starting over. Dread it all! I actually am dreading it all. I've spent a lot of time on it already, and I'm just ready to have it done. You know it's bad when I'm not enjoying the process of a project!

We borrowed an air compressor, and I bought a spray gun for $13. No, I've never worked with a spray gun in my life. Does that matter? Hopefully these next few layers will go a lot more smoothly. I've spent too much energy and effort in this piece to throw it away, but it is so tempting right now!

Headed out to prep for new paint. Hope I survive.

1 comment:

  1. Have the same problem with paint. Always looks one way in the store and then different on a bigger surface. Explains why my walls are still white after living here for 1.5 years.


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