
Friday, May 27, 2011

Things I Like - People Edition

We are so blessed to know some pretty groovy peeps. I think about how full our lives are because of those with whom we associate. Here are just a few examples:

1) My sister, T'liese. Just when I was about to toss in the towel on this entire dresser project yesterday, she gave me some sane advice. Put the brush down and take the weekend off. I realized how little fun I was having with this painting-the-Craigslist-dresser scheme of mine, simply because of all the mistakes and do-overs I've made along the way. The best part? She's going to come help me Monday while her husband watches their son, Evan. Now that's what I talk about practicing what you preach! You saved me lots of frustration, T'liese. Thank you!

2) New friends. We've been so blessed with incredible neighbors and acquaintances, especially here in our ward. But I think we recently hit the jackpot when we had Ted and Ann over for dinner. What an awesome couple! We chatted, ate dinner, chatted, ate dessert, and chatted over a five-hour period without even realizing how quickly time was flying by. It's going to be fun to have such neat friends who live so close. Hi, Ted and Ann! We can't wait to play again!

3) My Uncle Len. One month ago, this young (barely 60) guy fell and shattered his hip. In the process of fixing it, they discovered the cause as bone cancer that had spread to nodules in his lungs after his hip fell apart. He has already undergone countless surgeries to remove the giant tumor in his hip, and he is prepping for some intense chemo treatment for the nodules. Through all of this, he and his wife, Aunt LeeAnn, have been superstars. Though we are all praying for them, there is no such thing as too many prayers. Mention them when you say yours, will you?

4) My Hubby. He has been prepping for a Scout camping trip for a few weeks. They are leaving at 4:00 PM tonight to end up near Camp Verde. Then, early tomorrow morning, they are riding fifty miles on bicycles to complete their cycling merit badge! Though he's busy with work and home projects (I have no idea who's making him work on home projects), he's such a trooper and does it all happily. And who knows? He might even like camping with a bunch of kids!

5) My sister, Charloe. She's so thoughtful and is always thinking of others. When needs need to be met, she is first in line to take care of them. Even though she is expecting their third baby this fall (yippeeeee!), Charloe keeps busy taking care of everyone else, near or far. She was on top of the situation to help out some family members who didn't even have time to realize their needs. She filled them before it became a need. Charloe, you're a rock star. I admire and love you.

6) My brother, Jeff. Though deep in the throes of a job hunt that will take him and his family to the opposite side of the country, he has taken time to make sure everyone else is happy. He attended a funeral a few weeks ago of my Uncle Gary, and played a solid advisor to my parents during his stay. I know they appreciate him, and so do we. Way to represent, little bro! You're wonderful.

7) My Parents. I get to see them in just a few weeks, and I can hardly wait. One would be hard-pressed to find two more incredible individuals. They've handled recent developments with dignity and patience, which is probably more than I could handle. Stick with it, Mom and Merrill. It will all be over soon, and all will be well. Stay calm and carry on!

Who do you appreciate today?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Micah! You made me blush! Thanks. Love you too!


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