Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Wonderful, Free Discovery

It took me a few too many months in this house to realize I can do something small everyday that can have a huge impact on everything else I accomplish!

I openly admit that I'm way too Type-A to not make my bed every day. The three times I haven't made my bed have brought visitors to my door wanting a tour of the new place. Which has only led to my embarrassment that the one day my house isn't in top condition is when I get to show it to others. To avoid such emotional trauma, I now make sure my bed is taken care of every day.

To be honest, though, sometimes the bed doesn't get attention until later in the morning. I have finished my workout, breakfast, shower, and most of my emails by the time I finally get around to making the bed look purdy.

That changed last week, and I can't take any credit since it was accidental. I hopped out of bed and immediately made up the sheets and quilt behind me. And what happened next was nothing short of miraculous! My entire day saw improvements! I felt so much more "finished" in every task I undertook. I didn't wince every time I walked past the unmade bedroom, knowing I would get to it eventually as the morning passed. I got so many projects done and felt more motivated to tackle things that had been looming! Making my bed completely changed my outlook for the rest of the day!

So now I do it each morning, and I actually smile as I pull the crisp, white sheets into place. And then I accomplish so much more over the next sixteen hours! I feel a little silly that I haven't discovered this until now. But doing something so little has really had a positive and large impact on me!

Have you ever experienced a simple change that led to a big result? Please share!

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