I should be embarrassed to admit that I was glued to my computer all day yesterday. But I enjoyed every single moment…
My cousin gave me the chance to redesign her photography blog, Candid Moments by Megan. And I had an absolute blast giving her website a makeover.
Go check it out. Admire my awesomeness handiwork.
If you are on Facebook, connect to her page and give it a “like.”
I, personally, am not on Facebook and am so proud of that fact! Even though most people think that I’m a weirdo for such lack of participation.
Man oh man, this was fun. I pretty much got to do whatever I wanted, and I love that kind of freedom! My little brain gets to make up things…and then gets to make them come to life with my computer software.
At least, they come to live in cyberspace. Does that count?
She even let me redesign her logo. I was one happy camper. And, apparently, so is she, judging from the exclamation point counter in my emails yesterday! It tickles me to do this type of stuff, and it makes me even happier when my clients like what I do.
I made stationary and business cards for Megan before I called it quits for the day. Productivity was at an all-time high in the technology realm. And I even did the dishes, too.
Let me know if you are in the market for some designing rescue. I’m always looking for an excuse to not do housework.
The redesign looks fantastic. I'm glad she was happy with it. You should really think about making a business out of your talent. Of course, I wouldn't have to pay, right?